Adding velocity to BigBench

Todor Ivanov, Patrick Bedué, Roberto V. Zicari, Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Goethe University

Ahmad Ghazal, Futurewei Technologies Inc.

DBTest, ACM SIGMOR/PODS conference, Houston

15 June 2018

Download the presentation slides here

Improving business performance through big data benchmarking

Todor Ivanov, Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Goethe University

BDIC, Frankfurt

7-8 June 2018

Download the presentation slides here

DataBench Toolbox

Tomás Pariente Lobo, ATOS

BDVe Meetup, Sofia

May 15, 2018

Download the presentation slides here

Exploratory Analysis of Spark Structured Streaming

Todor Ivanov, Jason Taafe, Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Goethe University

ICPE 2018, Berlin

9-13 April 2018

Download the presentation slides here

ABench: Big Data Architecture Stack Benchmark

Todor Ivanov, Frankfurt Big Data Lab, Goethe University, Rekha Singhal, TATA Consultancy Services

ICPE 2018, Berlin

9-13 April 2018

Download the presentation slides here

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