Tutorial – Benchmark Big Data Analytics Systems @ ICPE 2020
DataBench will be at ICPE 2020! Dr. Todor Ivanov (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany & DataBench project representative) will present the paper “Tutorial on Benchmarking Big Data [...]
DataBench will be at ICPE 2020! Dr. Todor Ivanov (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany & DataBench project representative) will present the paper “Tutorial on Benchmarking Big Data [...]
DataBench will be at ICPE 2020! Dr. Todor Ivanov (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany & DataBench project representative) will present the paper "Tutorial on Benchmarking Big Data Analytics [...]
This project has received funding from the European Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement n° 780966