Join DataBench at the BDV Meet-Up: Data Benchmark as a Service

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Join the DataBench workshop at the Big Data Value Meet-Up! 

In May 2018 the European Big Data Value community gathered in Sofia, Bulgaria, in an event organised by the Big Data Value PPP to strengthen collaborations among community members and increasing the visibility and awareness about the PPP in East Europe.

The second edition of the event focusing on Impact empowered by Data-driven Artificial Intelligence is called the BDV PPP Summit and will be held on June 26-28 at the Latvian National Library, the prestigious and modern landmark of Riga, Latvia.

The first day of conference will be open to everybody and called the BDV PPP Conference, followed by two days of workshops the BDV PPP Meetup. Activity Groups, Technical and Steering Committees, as well as the BDVA General Assembly are on the program.

Interested in big data benchmarking?

Join our workshop “Data Benchmark as a Service” on Thursday, June 27  (h. 14:30-16:00).

Nuria de Lama (ATOS), DataBench Community Manager, will provide an overview of the project. Attendees will also get the chance to enjoy a live demo of the Toolbox presented by Iván Martinez (ATOS).


Workshop Agenda

14:30-14:40 Introduction. What is in DataBench for you? (Nuria de Lama, Atos)

Big Data Benchmarking as a Service

14:40-15:00 DataBench in a nutshell (Richard Stevens, IDC)

The market: industrial needs

15:00-15:20 Technical Benchmarking Framework (Iván Martínez, Atos)

The DataBench Toolbox & Use Case

Demo session

15:20-15:35 The Case of Hobbit: framework/benchmark/challenges & upcoming Machine Learning/AI support (Hobbit representative)

15:35-16:00 Q&A. Interaction with audience and conclusions


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