DataBench is looking for industrial case studies

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The DataBench project aims to create certifiable benchmarks and evaluation schemes around Big Data Technologies, both from a business point of view and from a technical point of view. The result of the project will be a benchmarking toolbox (DataBench Toolbox) which provides comparative analysis of existing benchmarking initiatives and technologies.

DataBench has already carried out a survey of 700 valid interviews with EU enterprises of all sectors and size on Big Data use and impacts. We have published the results and a set of preliminary business benchmarks of Big Data impacts (see D.2.2).

Now, we would like to extend our analysis to the Big Data projects industrial beneficiaries to check the validity of our benchmarks. We would also like to invite interested industry partners to collaborate with us in order to develop in-depth case studies of business KPIs of Big Data (without interfering with your respective projects goals). To provide some incentive we have included in the survey a self-assessment tool: upon completion of the survey, each respondent will receive in real time a short report comparing their answers with a group of their peers (same industry and company size) extracted from the 700 sample of previous respondents. Respondents will see how their results and impacts KPIs on revenues, profits and innovation compare with a representative sample of their peers.

If you want to candidate your project/ company as a potential case study, please contact Erica Spinoni from IDC (espinoni(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) We are starting the recruitment phase in the upcoming period. 

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